Discover the hotel services

Everything you need for a perfect stay

Enjoy a worry-free stay in Madrid at VP Madroño. Exceptional services and well-equipped facilities ensure that you will have everything you need.

Among the services on offer, the hotel has its own car park with direct access from the rooms, as well as charging points for electric vehicles. You can also visit our outdoor garden, which is something really unique that we offer our guests so that they can relax without compromising on our exclusive location. This is in addition to many other services such as a breakfast buffet, free Wi-Fi and meeting rooms.

Car park

With electric charging points

We have a private parking service at the hotel with direct access to the hotel. We also have parking spaces with electric charging, so you can park without any problems in the centre of the Salamanca neighbourhood.

You can also take advantage of the special rates we offer to clients who book through our official website.

Buffet breakfast

Start your morning full of energy with our delicious breakfast buffet, designed to cater for all tastes.

Opening hours:
  • Monday to Friday from 7am to 11am. Saturday, Sunday and holidays from 8am to 11am.
*Subject to occasional changes.

Outdoor garden

Discover natural spaces full of greenery without leaving the hotel in our outdoor garden, surrounded by palm and other types of trees, and our glass dome decorated with plants, where you can celebrate your events in the capital.

Somos Eco Plan

At VP Madroño, we are concerned about the environment and our ecological footprint. We are committed to leading by example as an eco-hotel, which is why we have launched the We Are Eco Plan, which aims to reduce our use of plastic and water and promote recycling.

An example of the application of the Somos Eco Plan is the design of our rooms, all of which are built with sustainable materials such as starch and bamboo, as well as the use of the Somos Eco product line, which reduces our environmental impact. Another example is the electric parking spaces in our car park, which promote electric mobility and reduce emissions.

Through these and other actions, we continue to demonstrate our commitment to responsible consumption and sustainable tourism.

Espacios eventos VP Madroño

Meeting rooms

VP El Madroño

Complimentary Wi-Fi

Throughout the hotel

Full list of services